1. Shareholders’ Rights |
Hong Kong |
Japan |
South Korea |
France |
Germany |
Italy |
a. Can shares have unequal voting rights? |
Same class of shares must have same voting rights. Non-voting shares are allowed. 1 share, 1 vote rule. |
Same class of shares must have same voting
rights. Non-voting or limited
voting shares are allowed. 1 share, 1 vote rule. |
Same class of shares must have same voting
rights. 1 share, 1 vote rule. Preferred stock generally
has no voting rights. |
Same class of shares must have same voting
rights. 1 share, 1 vote rule. Preferred shares may have double or no voting
rights. Articles may limit the
number of votes of a class shareholder. |
Same class of shares must have same voting
rights. 1 share, 1 vote rule. Only preferred stock is
permitted to be non-voting. |
Same class of shares must have same voting
rights. 1 share, 1 vote rule. Preferred stock and other
classes of shares are permitted to be non-voting. |
b. Can non-voting shareholders vote? What are the
requirements for calling a meeting of non-voting shares? |
Non-voting shares may not vote. In some cases, non-voting shares
may have a limited right to vote on certain resolutions, if rights of
non-voting shareholders would be affected. Company’s Articles may set requirements for calling
meetings of non-voting shares. |
Non-voting shares have the right to vote if (1)
the preferential dividend will not be paid; (2) the articles will be
amended to require board approval for the transfer of shares; (3) the
company will be changed into a private company; or (4) if the rights of the
shares are affected. Company’s
articles set out requirements for calling a meeting of non-voting shares,
but the quorum is 50% of the affected
class shareholders. |
Non-voting preferred shares are entitled to
vote following a resolution by shareholders not to pay preferred shareholders
dividend. |
Preferred non-voting shares may acquire voting
rights if preferential dividends due for the past 3 fiscal years have not
been paid or if certain rights of the shares are affected. The quorum is 50% of the preferred non-voting shares for
a meeting held on 1st call and 25% for a meeting held on 2nd
call. The meeting may be
called by the Board, the statutory auditors, or an agent appointed by the
Court at the request 1/10 of the preferred non-voting shares. |
Non-voting preferred shares have voting rights if (1)the preference
dividend is not fully paid; (2) the preferential rights of the shares are
cancelled or (3) new shares will be issued
that have priority over the shares.
Only Managing Directors can call a meeting of non-voting shares and there
is no quorum requirement. In
the event of non-payment of dividend, the voting right ends when the short
fall is paid. |
Non-voting shares, such as preferred shares and
savings shares, have voting rights if
certain rights of the shares are affected. The quorum for a special meeting
is normally 20% of the preferred or savings shares held on the 1st
call, or 10% for the 2nd call, and no requirement for the 3rd
call. |
c. Is cumulative voting permissible? |
No. |
Yes. |
Yes. (for
the election of directors) |
No. |
No. |
Yes. |
d. What notice of general meeting is required to be
given? |
Notice must be published in 1 English and 1
Chinese language newspaper and must be mailed to each shareholder. |
Notice must be delivered to each shareholder,
unless all shareholders consent to waive the notice requirement. |
Notice must be delivered to each shareholder by
mail, but in some instances, notice by publication is allowed. |
For a listed company, notice must be published
in a legal journal. For an
unlisted company, notice is sent to shareholders who have asked to receive
it. |
Notice of shareholders’ Meetings must be
published in the official Government
Gazette. |
Notice of shareholders’ Meetings must be published in the Government
Gazette. For non-listed
companies, notice may also be given to each shareholder. For listed companies, notice is
also published in a newspaper with national distribution. |
e. Are there any general or special requirements for giving notice? |
At least 21 days notice must be given to
shareholders for AGM and 14 days notice for EGM. |
At least 14 days notice must be given to
shareholders. |
At least 14 days notice must be given to shareholders. |
At least 30 days notice by publication must be
given to shareholders of listed companies, and at least 35 days notice by
mail to shareholders of unlisted companies. |
At least 30 days notice must be given to
shareholders. |
For non-listed companies, notice must be given
at least 15 days before the meeting.
For listed companies, notice must be given
at least 30 days before the meeting. |
f. Can a shareholder propose to nominate a
candidate to the Board of Directors or remove a Director? |
Shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares are entitled to
propose the nomination, or the removal, of a director. |
Shareholders can propose to nominate or to remove a director. |
Yes. Shareholders may propose the nomination or
removal of a director by submitting a proposal or calling special meetings. |
Shareholders owning a specialized percentage of the voting shares
may propose the nomination or removal of a director. |
Yes. Any shareholder can propose the nomination
or removal of a director from the supervisory board. However, shareholders can
indirectly influence the composition of the management board, which is
appointed by the supervisory board. |
Any shareholder can propose the nomination or removal of a
director. The company’s by laws may impose requirements on
this process. |
g. What rights does a minority shareholder have
in a corporate transaction (eg, a
takeover, merger or privatisation)? |
Shareholders who have an interest in the
transaction are precluded from voting. 75% of the shareholders must approve a company’s
withdrawal from listing in the stock exchange. In case of buy-back by the company, shareholders are not
obliged to sell their shares. |
2/3 majority shareholders are required to approve
the transaction. A dissenting
shareholder can force the company to redeem its shares at fair value. |
Dissenting shareholders have appraisal rights
for certain matters subject to special resolution. |
Dissenting shareholders have appraisal rights for
certain transactions. During a
takeover bid,
certain regulations protect minority shareholder, who may also bring a
derivative action against the directors of the company. |
Most major corporate transactions require
approval of 75% of the shareholders, where the transaction affects the
value of the shares, the shareholders have the right to fair and reasonable
compensation from the purchaser.
Shareholders can also file a lawsuit in Court to enforce their rights. |
For certain corporate transactions, a dissenting
shareholder has a right to be cashed out at a price based on the share
price during the past 6 months. Dissenting
shareholders must make their request within 3 days of the meeting, or 15
days of the registration of the minutes in the company register, if the
dissenting shareholders did not attend the meeting. |
2. Dividends |
a. Do companies publicly announce the payment of a
dividend? |
Yes. Companies must announce the payment
of a dividend in an English and Chinese newspaper. |
No. Except for listed
company. |
Yes. The dividend record date must be
publicly announced at least 2 weeks in advance, unless specified by the
articles. |
Yes. Listed companies
must publish the announcement in a legal journal. All companies must also file reports, which include
information on dividends, annually with the Commercial Court. |
Yes. Listed companies must announce the
payment of a dividend, usually in a German newspaper. |
Yes. Listed companies must announce the
payment of dividend in a newspaper and send notice to the Italian Stock Exchange. Non-listed companies
also must announce the payment of a dividend. |
b. Are dividend distributions mandatory or
discretionary? |
subject to the articles. |
subject to approval at shareholders’ Meeting. |
Discretionary. |
subject to the articles, which may provide for payment of certain ‘guaranteed dividends’ |
Discretionary. To be
declared by shareholder resolution based on proposal by the management
board. |
Discretionary. To be
declared by board resolution and approved by shareholders’ meeting. |
c. Are dividends payable only in local currency? |
Yes. |
Yes. |
No. |
No. |
Yes. Payment in Euros
is becoming more common. |
No. Payment in Euros is becoming more
common. |
3. Financial Information & Auditors |
a. Are there any regulations governing the preparation of financial reports? |
Yes. |
Yes. All joint stock companies must
prepare annual financial reports and periodic financial reports are also
required under the securities laws for listed companies. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
b. Are the financial reports publicly available? |
Yes. Annual report and audited accounts
must be published in newspapers. |
Yes. After AGM, public notice of the
balance sheet of the company is published. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
Yes, but shareholder
has to request it. |
Yes. |
c. Can a shareholder ask
for the reports? |
Yes. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
Yes. |
No. Shareholders can
view annual financial statement at the company’s offices. |
d. Are there any rules concerning the qualification of auditors? |
Yes. Auditors must be qualified under the
professional accounting Ordinance and may not be an officer of the company. |
Yes. Shareholders
elect a statutory auditor annually.
The auditor cannot be an officer of the company or any of its
subsidiaries. For larger
companies, there must be an independent certified public accountant. |
Yes. A qualified
accounting firm should be appointed to perform the company’s external
audit. Internal auditors are
required to submit their audit reports to the Securities Futures Commission
and the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants. |
Yes. |
Yes. Auditors must be
independent from management and are elected by shareholders annually. |
Yes. Auditors must be
independent and appointed by the shareholders. |
4. Corporate Governance Codes |
Has the Government or local Stock Exchange adopted
Corporate Governance Code? |
No. But the Hong Kong Listing Rules contains a
code of best practices for conducting board meetings. |
No. |
The Korea Stock Exchange, the Korea Security depositary, the Korea
Security Dealers Association, and the Financial Supervisory Committee have
adopted codes of conduct. |
No. But the committee on Corporate Governance
has issued recommend- ations. |
Yes. The German Corporate Governance
Code is applicable to Stock-Exchange Listed companies. |
Yes. The Italian Stock Exchange has adopted a
code of conduct for listed companies. |
According to the President
of the World Bank, Dr JD Wolfensohn, the proper governance of companies will
soon become as crucial to the world economy as the proper governing of
of the root causes of the Asian financial crisis was poor corporate
governance. Opaque and complicated relationships between companies, their
owners and their finance providers diminished investors’ confidence in the
region. Economies that took early steps to improve corporate governance have
been recovering from the crisis at a more rapid pace than those who have
failed to address the issue. The Asian financial crisis showed that good
corporate governance is important not only for an individual company to raise
capital but also for an economy to achieve sustainable growth.
Hong Kong’s laissez-faire
attitude towards minority shareholders, corporate governance, and securities
fraud may be changing. Indeed, the securities laws have now been revised for
the first time in more than a decade. The changes make insider trading a
criminal offence and executives now face the possibility of going to jail
instead of paying a fine. Substantial shareholders must now disclose sales or
purchases that affects 5% or more of the shares of a company, instead of the
previous threshold of 10%. Such changes, together with the reforms proposed
above and the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform
will eventually improve Hong Kong’s competitiveness and promote Hong Kong as
one of the best international financial centres in the World.
YC Mok
YC Mok & Co
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