Introduction The proper conduct of
litigation, civil or criminal, by the legal profession is essential to the
administration of justice. Over the past Century, there were, and still are,
High Court (formerly Supreme Court) Rules governing the personal liability of
a solicitor for costs in civil matters which are incurred improperly or
without reasonable cause or are wasted by undue delay or by any other
misconduct or default. The relevant provisions of the Rules which shall be
examined more closely below, are set out in Order 62 Rule 8 of both the Hong
Kong High Court and District Court Rules. Such Rules have been adopted from
England originally. However, the old English Order 62 Rule 8 was revised and
became Order 62 Rule 11 in the year 1986, but the Hong Kong Rule has not been
changed and is still discriminatory against solicitors, since barristers
remain immune from this kind of order. The English Order 62 Rule 11 omitted
any reference to undue delay or any other misconduct or default and in
replacement thereof, it referred to the failure to conduct proceedings with
reasonable competence and expedition. In the year 1990, the
English position was further altered after the introduction of a new section
51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 and section 19A of the Prosecution of
Offences Act 1985 (analogous provision for criminal cases). The jurisdiction
of the English Courts to make “wasted costs orders” against legal
representatives under the said section 51 and the said section 19A in respect
of “improper, unreasonable or negligent” acts or omissions applies to counsel
as much as to solicitors. In the year 2004, the Court of Final Appeal in Ma
So So Josephine v. Chin Yuk Lun Francis and Chan Mee Yee (FACV No. 15 of
2003) [2004] 3 HKLRD294, had given very useful guidance on application for
wasted costs order under Order 62 Rule 8 which still has not, unfortunately,
been extended to counsel. On 1st March 2005, the new practice
direction 14.5 relating to an application for wasted costs order under Order
62 Rule 8 came into operation, which would no doubt deter unscrupulous
solicitors from making false claims for, or at the behest of, their clients
or from incurring costs unreasonably or by misconduct or default. 2. Solicitor’s
Liability for Costs Under Order 62 Rule 8 of
both High Court and District Court Rules, the Court may be asked to, or may
on its own inherent jurisdiction, penalise the solicitor by ordering him to personally
pay the costs improperly or wastefully incurred (see Re: A (a minor) [1988]
18 Fam. Law, 339, C.A.; Ho Lee Man v. Wong Wai Kai (no. 2) [1993] 1HKC193,
C.A and Daly v. Hubner (wasted costs) [2002] Lloyd’s Rep. P. N. 461). The Court may make against
any solicitor whom it considers to be responsible whether personally or
through a servant or agent, an order:- a. disallowing the
costs as between the solicitor and his client; and b. directing the
solicitor to repay to his client costs which the client has been ordered to
pay to the other parties; or c. directing the
solicitor personally to indemnify such other parties against costs payable by
them. No order under this Rule
shall be made against a solicitor unless he has been given a reasonable
opportunity to appear before the Court and show cause why the order should
not be made. Hitherto, there are only piece-meal wasted costs orders made by
the Court against solicitors, although the Court has a right and a duty to
supervise the conduct of solicitors as they are officers of the Court and to
penalise them if their conduct tends to defeat justice. In the past, the
Court considered that the following types of conduct of solicitors were
inexcusable:- a. oppressive
conduct generally (see Wilkinson v. Wilkinson [1963] All E.R. 922 C.A.); and b. want of
authority where the proceedings were instituted without authority or the
consent of the client (see Carl-Xeiss-Stifung v. Rayner and Keeler Ltd. (no.
2) [1965] 1 Ch. 596, 1 All E.R. 300, C.A.); c. reliance on counsel
when the advice was glaringly wrong (see Davy-Chiesman v. Davy-Chiesman
[1984] 1 All E.R. 311, C.A.); d. pursuing a
hopeless case with no prospect of success (see Ho Lee Man’s case); e. serious
dereliction of duty (see Que Jocelyn Co. (T/A Scented Delights) v. Broadair
Express Ltd. [1999] 3 H.K.L.R.D. 104); f. making a false
claim for, or at the behest of, a client (see Ma So So Josephine v. Chin Yuk
Lun Francis and Chan Mee Yee [2004] 3 H.K.L.R.D. 294, C.F.A.). However, in the case of
AIE Co. Ltd. v. Kay Kam Yu [1995] HKLY 798, C.A., where the solicitor’s
misconduct was committed in the course of a conveyancing transaction which
led to civil proceedings for compensation against him at the suit of the
party, the Court held that as the misconduct was not “in the course of a
cause” it had no jurisdiction to order the solicitor to pay costs as he had
not acted in the litigation. The reasoning was correct and tallied with the
decision in Brendon v. Spiro [1938] 1 KB 176, as it was not misconduct in his
capacity as an officer of the Court. 3.
The Judgment in Ma So So’s Case It was a unanimous
decision of the Court of Final Appeal that the wasted costs order made by the
trial judge against the solicitor who had the conduct of the proceedings be
upheld, although the indemnity costs order was varied to party and party
costs order. In this case, the Court of
Final Appeal has laid down very important guidelines for applications under
Order 62 Rule 8 and they are briefly discussed below. The Approach In considering the
exercise of the jurisdiction under this Rule, the Court should approach the
matter by dealing with the following questions:- a. whether the
solicitor was responsible for (i) acting improperly or without reasonable
cause or (ii) for undue delay or any other misconduct or default in any
proceedings. b. whether such
conduct of the solicitor caused costs to be incurred or wasted. This is a
question of causation. The causal link between the solicitor’s conduct and
the extent of costs incurred or wasted must be established. c. whether the
Court should exercise its discretion to make an order. Compensatory and Punitive The jurisdiction is
compensatory and the order made under the Rule cannot exceed the amount of
the costs so incurred or wasted. However, the jurisdiction can also be
regarded as punitive, if the order for costs incurred or wasted against a
party is shifted to the solicitor (see Harley v. McDonald [2001] 2 A.C. 678
and Davy-Chiesman’s case). Summary Jurisdiction The jurisdiction under
this Rule is summary jurisdiction and any allegation of breach of duty
relating to the conduct of a solicitor should be confined strictly to
questions which are apt for summary disposal by the Court (See Harley’s case
and Orchard v. South Eastern Electricity Board [1987] 1 Q.B. 565). Legal Professional
Privilege Where a client applies for
an order against his own solicitor, a waiver of privilege by the client in
relation to all relevant matters will be implied by law (see Yau Chiu Wah v. Gold
Chief Investment Ltd. (no. 2) [2003] 3 HKC 91). However, where an order is
sought by a party against an opposite party’s solicitor who would be the
respondent, the position is fundamentally different. In the absence of any
waiver, the respondent solicitor would be unable to disclose what advice and
warnings he had given to his client and what instructions were received from
his client. Therefore, the respondent solicitor would find himself at a great
disadvantage in defending the application. Where there is room for doubt, the
respondent solicitor is entitled to the benefit of it. Discretion Summary jurisdiction under
this Rule is discretionary. In exercising its discretion, the Court has to
take into account the strength of the prima facie case shown by the applicant
(the 1st stage), and even if the Court is satisfied that the
solicitor’s conduct was the kind prescribed in the Rule and had caused costs
to be incurred or wasted (the 2nd stage), the Court is not bound
to make an order. However, if the Court declines in its discretion to make an
order, it must give sustainable reasons (see Ridehalgh v. Horsefield [1994]
Ch. 205). Procedures The detailed procedures
are now set down in the new practice direction 14.5 which will be discussed
later. Burden of Proof Where the Court, in
exercising its discretion at the first stage, has decided that the
application should be further proceeded with, the burden of proof does not
shift to the solicitor. The burden remains on the applicant. It is for him to
satisfy the Court that an order should be made. However, where the Court
calls upon the solicitor to show cause, having satisfied itself that the
applicant has shown a strong prima facie case, the evidential burden may,
depending on the circumstances, shift to the solicitor (see Ridehalgh’s
case). The Present Case The Court of Final Appeal
had carefully considered the decisions of both the Court of First Instance
and the Court of Appeal in ordering the solicitor to pay the costs so wasted,
as well as further arguments advanced by leading counsel on “causation” and
“the writ action was driven by client” etc; and had decided that such
arguments were irrelevant, as a solicitor’s liability under Order 62 Rule 8
evolved out of the Court’s long-established common law summary jurisdiction
to discipline solicitors as officers of the Count and, among other things, to
order them personally to bear the wasted costs of proceedings incurred by the
parties in consequence of a serious dereliction of duty on the solicitor’s
part. The solicitor could not evade liability by showing that his misconduct
occurred at the behest of the client. Accordingly, subject to varying the
indemnity costs order in relation to Order 62 Rule 8 proceedings to party and
party costs order, the appeal was unanimously dismissed. 4.
New Practice Direction 14.5 The application should
usually only be made and dealt with after the relevant proceedings have
concluded, although the Court has power to make wasted costs orders at any
time. The application should initially
be heard by the judge who dealt with the proceedings unless there are
exceptional circumstances which render this inappropriate, e.g., where
apparent bias is established. If the trial judge is disqualified, the Court
will have to consider the likely increased costs, before exercising its
discretion to allow or not to allow the application to proceed further before
any other judge. The jurisdiction is intended only for clear cases, i.e.,
cases where there is prima facie liability unless the charge is answered.
Basically, the procedures are (i) to issue inter partes Order 62 Rule 8
summons; (ii) the Court to decide at the 1st stage hearing whether
the proceedings should be proceeded further; and if so (iii) at the full
substantive hearing, the Court to exercise the discretion in favour of, or
against, making an order. If an order is made, the Court will consider the
extent of the solicitor’s liability for the wasted costs. 5.
Counsel’s Liability for Costs The Court’s compensatory jurisdiction,
exercisable in accordance with Order 62 Rule 8 of both the High Court and the
District Court Rules, applies only to solicitors, and the inherent
jurisdiction of the Court does not extend to making wasted costs orders
against counsel (see Orchard’s case). In other words, both the High Court and
the District Court have no power to order counsel to pay wasted costs
personally. However, in criminal proceedings, the Court may order the legal
or other representative (barrister or solicitor) concerned to meet the
payment of any wasted costs under section 18 of the Costs in Criminal Cases
Ordinance (“CCCO”). Unfortunately, this piece of legislation was badly
drafted in 1996 and the Court of Appeal has strongly criticised the worthless
sanction for wasted costs under sections 2 and 18 of CCCO on several
occasions (see CACC 269/2000, CACC 400/2002 and CACC 32/2003), as it is
limited to failure to appear or the lateness of advocate at the hearing. The
Court remains powerless to make wasted costs orders against
barristers/solicitors for other misconduct. As the jurisdiction of the
English Courts to make “wasted costs orders” under section 51 of the High
Court Act 1981 and section 19A of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 covers
both barristers and solicitors, it is considered that our current Order 62
Rule 8 is an unfair discrimination against solicitors who have wasted costs
orders made against them but not against “their” counsel, if the counsel is
equally negligent with his/ her advice. The writer cannot see any good or
logical reason for continuing to afford barristers immunity from wasted costs
orders in Hong Kong, as similar rules in other common law jurisdictions have
changed more than a decade ago. Anyway, it is pleasing to see that the final
report on Civil Justice Reform in Hong Kong has now included a recommendation
that barristers should not be given total exemption from liability for wasted
costs incurred as a result of their misconduct. 6.
Implications of Wasted Costs Order The matter will not end,
so far as the solicitor is concerned, after the making of a wasted costs
order against him by the Court, as in most cases the Court would have
directed the clerk to lodge a complaint or send a copy of such order or the
judgment of the trial judge, to the Law Society for the purpose of
investigation into the misconduct. As an officer of the Court, a solicitor
appearing before a Court must never knowingly attempt to deceive or withhold
information which he knows the Court is entitled to. This extends to bringing
to the notice of the Court any relevant decisions, whether or not they assist
the solicitor’s own case. If the wasted costs order is made due to serious
dereliction of duty or negligence on the part of the solicitor, the Council
of the Law Society can refer the complaint to the Solicitors’ Disciplinary
Tribunal Convenor for further action. Generally speaking, gross negligence
may amount to unbefitting conduct, if the conduct is dishonourable to the
solicitor as a man and dishonourable in his profession, or such as to be
regarded as deplorable by his fellows in the profession. The solicitor concerned
may have to answer one or more of the following charges or complaints at the
Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal:- a. Rule 2 of the
Solicitors’ Practice Rules which provides that “A solicitor shall not, in the
course of practising as a solicitor, do or permit to be done on his behalf
anything compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair- i. his
independence or integrity; ii. ….…; iii. …….; iv. his own
reputation or the reputation of the profession; v. a proper
standard of work; or vi. his duty to the
Court”; b. Principle 1.02
of the Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct (“the Guide”), which
provides that “ A solicitor is an officer of the Court and should conduct
himself appropriately in professional and private matters”; c. Principle 10.03
of the Guide which provides that “A solicitor must never knowingly attempt to
deceive or participate in the deception of a tribunal”; d. Principle 10.18
of the Guide which provides that “A solicitor must inform his client if a
proposed or continuing action has no prospect of success as a matter of law”. 7.
Conclusion It seems that it is
against public interest and public policy to shield barristers from wasted
costs orders in Hong Kong, as Order 62 Rule 8 applies to solicitors only and
hence is, prima facie, discriminatory. It is, therefore, hoped that both the
High Court and the District Court Rules, as well as the provisions of the
Costs in Criminal Cases Ordinance be amended, the sooner the better, to bring
the same into line with other common law jurisdictions, such as Order 62 Rule
11 and section 19A of the Prosecution of Offences Act in England and Wales,
in order to deter or punish unscrupulous barristers and solicitors. The applicability of
wasted costs orders (“wco”) is briefly shown on the chart appended hereunder.
Y.C. Mok Chairman/Member
of the Solicitors’
Disciplinary Tribunal Copyright © GYC Mok 2005 H.K.