Corporate Governance : The Effectiveness of Self-Regulation Dr. G.Y.C. Mok has recently conducted a doctoral research on
Corporate Governance and has discovered that listed company directors are in desperate
need of training to counter the general lack of knowledge about their legal
duties and obligations, and that certain HKEx code provisions and recommended
best practices should be converted into mandatory rules
The quest for good corporate governance practices
in Hong Kong is one of those challenges that continue to arouse the interest
of accountants, company secretaries and lawyers even in a time characterised
by cynicism about corporate law reform. In Asian
countries, poor corporate governance ¡V i.e. the lack of corporate
transparency and an effective regulatory framework ¡V is widely viewed as one
of the structural weaknesses that were responsible for the onset of the Asian
financial crisis in 1997 (Choi, 1998). It is generally accepted that the
crisis has resulted in a wider recognition of the importance of both internal
and external governance (Gillan, 2006), corporate transparency and disclosure
of financial dealings (Choi, 1998; Rahman, 1999). In contrast with other
developed countries such as Canada, England and the USA, most large
corporations in Asia are owned and controlled by families with family members
holding key managerial positions. As such, major agency problems exist
between the management (the controlling family) and the minority shareholders
(Agrawal & Knorber; Jensen & Meckling, 1976). The
existence of large shareholders is not, by itself, a cause for concern. Many
empirical studies show that companies with large shareholders tend to perform
better because these companies are strongly incentived to closely monitor
their businesses and are less likely to suffer from the free-rider problem
(Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Shleifer & Vishny, 1997). However, problems
arise if there is inadequate separation of powers between the large
shareholders and the management, or if there is a lack of proper corporate
governance mechanisms or a legal regulatory framework to enable the outside
or minority shareholders to effectively check misbehaviour of the controlling
owners. Much of the corporate governance literature considers that
independent boards do not improve performance and that boards with too many
outsiders may, in fact, have a negative impact on performance (Romano, 1996
& 2005; Bhagat & Black, 1999), although empirical evidence has been
mixed (Boyd, 1994; Kren and Kerr, 1997) with some studies reporting
significant positive outcomes (Lambert, 1993; Dyl, E. 1998). In
general, the corporate control of large family-controlled companies has been
inadequately supervised or monitored by outside or minority shareholders,
boards of directors, creditors, financiers-bankers, and/or the markets. The
controlling family owners have been able to pursue their private interests
with ease, often at the expense of minority shareholders or the company¡¦s
profits which would otherwise have been distributed to shareholders by way of
dividends. Corporate management has lacked transparency because of
inadequate, either mandatory or voluntary, disclosure standards (Carse, 2002).
It is, therefore, necessary to direct greater or additional efforts towards
enhancing managerial transparency by improving and strengthening disclosure
requirements, in order to have better and stronger corporate governance. According
to Tricker (1984), the study of corporate governance concerns the ways in
which directors perform their roles in relation to the distribution of power
among directors and shareholders. It is the uneven distribution of such power
that causes the problems associated with corporate governance. The
board of directors of a company is empowered to hire, fire, manage and
monitor the management. The shareholders, being the ultimate owners of the
business, have the power to influence decisions of the board by exercising
their voting rights. If the shareholders are involved in the management of
the company they can exercise their power in more direct ways. Other
stakeholders who can influence the decisions of the board include
non-managerial staff, customers, creditors, trade unions, regulators, social
pressure groups, government and the local community. There are
notable distinctions between corporate management and corporate governance
(Watson, 1998). Put simply, managers are responsible for the day-to-day
running of the company and directors are responsible for setting strategy and
monitoring and controlling operations (Stiles & Taylor, 1996). As
submitted by Hilmer (1994), the board should not take over the managerial
function of a company, even if management fails to carry out its duties
satisfactorily. Instead, the board should seek to rectify the behaviour of
management. As indicated in Table A, directors have two major
sets of roles. The first relates to performance, ¡¥in which the board is
focusing on strategic and policy issues for the future, setting the corporate
direction and contributing to the performance of the business¡¦. The second
relates to conformance, ¡¥in which the board is ensuring that the company is
conforming to the policies, procedures and plans laid down by the board and
being properly accountable for its activities¡¦: Tricker (1994 & 1996). Table A: Two Primary Functions of the Board
are not only expected to monitor the performance of the incumbent management,
they are also required to ensure that significant changes in the business
environment are handled adequately and in good time. There is, unfortunately, no consensus
as to how much effort directors should put into the performance and
conformance functions (Short, 1998). More often than not, directors¡¦
performance is gauged by the market share price trend and, accordingly,
directors will normally prioritise the performance roles as their primary
function. According to Monks and Minow (1991), the pragmatic obsession with
¡¥results¡¦ has lead to a lack of accountability to shareholders. The
Problem The absence of an
ordinance directly addressing corporate governance, such as the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA, or a generally tougher legal regulatory framework
sets the stage for further corporate scandals. However, a danger of
over-regulation is that companies may assume that it is the regulators¡¦
responsibility to ensure proper disclosure of governance practices rather
than their own, and companies may even seek out legal loopholes in order to
avoid complying with strict rules. The Chairman of South Africa¡¦s Committee
on Corporate Governance, Mr Mervyn King, captured the essence of the problem
when he said: ¡¥You can have all the bloody rules in the world, but you cannot
legislate honesty. And I will tell you, as a corporate lawyer, I have found
it much easier to get around a rule than a principle.¡¦ At present, most
publicly-listed companies apply self-discipline in the exercise of good
corporate governance, but is this sufficient to support and maintain Hong
Kong¡¦s standing amongst the world¡¦s leading financial centres? This article examines how
the problematic issue of non-compliance is monitored and whether there is a
need to tighten up governance regulations and disclosure and publication
requirements, and to what extent these and other measures may improve market
efficiency and functioning. It is submitted that it is inappropriate for Hong
Kong to introduce a dedicated corporate governance ordinance at this stage:
further education is needed to help boards of directors to appreciate and
understand the importance of self-regulation, as opposed to mandatory rules
on governance practices. The success or failure of such efforts will have
important policy implications for ongoing corporate governance reforms in
Hong Kong, as well as for the management of listed companies, company
secretaries and regulators who would like to see an improvement in the
quality of governance practices, and, finally, for other emerging markets
which are considering the introduction of a code of corporate governance. The
following questions are apposite :- ¡P
What are the factors affecting willingness to voluntarily adopt
corporate governance mechanisms? ¡P
How effective is self-regulation of corporate governance practices
under the existing prescriptive legislation? ¡P
Would the introduction of a corporate governance ordinance (CGO)
support Hong Kong¡¦s standing as a premier international financial centre? ¡P
How do directors view corporate transparency as affecting market
functioning, efficiency and share prices? ¡P
Are listed companies willing to voluntarily adopt corporate
governance code provisions and recommended best practices? ¡P
What has motivated listed companies to voluntarily adopt such
corporate governance measures? Are
the existing voluntary corporate disclosures adequate and effective and do
they meet the needs of stakeholders and investors? The
Concept and History of Corporate Governance The Asian financial crisis in 1997 helped many of
us to appreciate the need for more effective corporate governance and
protection of minority shareholders, although Hong Kong was lucky enough to
suffer lesser consequences compared with most of Asia. Most policymakers
learn their lessons not from theories but from history, and this was no
exception. However, although corporate governance has succeeded in attracting
a great deal of public interest globally, it is often poorly defined as a
concept because it covers a great number of distinct economic phenomena.
Basically, corporate governance is a system by which business corporations
are directed and controlled (Cadbury, 1992) or, as the definition can be
further developed, corporate governance in a commercial and profit-making
organisation is about promoting fairness, transparency, accountability and
responsibility (Mok, 2002). From a broad
perspective, Zingales (1998) views governance systems as the complex set of
constraints that shape the ex post bargaining
over the quasi-rents generated by a listed company. However, Shleifer and
Vishny (1997) define corporate governance as the ways in which suppliers of
finance to corporations assure themselves of getting a return on their
investment. From a wider perspective, Gillan and Starks (1998) define
corporate governance as the system of laws, rules and other factors that
control operations at a company. John and Senbet (1998) further enlarged the
concept to include stakeholders and define corporate governance as the
mechanism in which the stakeholders of a company exercise control over
corporate insiders and management so that their interests are protected. Our
understanding of the history of corporate governance is mainly derived from
agency theory that was developed in western countries more than a century
ago. Corporate governance problems in those places originally arose from the
non-separation of powers between the controlling owners/directors and the
minority shareholders within a business organisation, which gave rise to
informational asymmetries and agency costs (Fama & Jensen, 1983; Healy
& Palepu, 2001), as well as from inadequate legal protection for both
domestic and foreign investors (La Porta, 1997 & 1999). The essence of
the agency problem, according to Coase (1937), Jensen and Meckling (1976) and
Fama and Jensen (1983), is the separation of management and finance, or, in
more standard terminology, ownership and control. Corporate governance now
encompasses the interests of stakeholders as well as shareholders. Apart from stakeholder theory, there are
however two other theories of corporate governance, namely the stewardship
theory (Donaldson & Davis, 1991) and the resource dependency theory
(Pfeffer, 1982). Stewardship
theory assumes that directors, as the stewards of the shareholders, will
protect their interests. This theory developed on the assumption that job
satisfaction and a sense of the responsibility would counter or negate
directorial selfishness. According to Tricker (1994), the concept that
directors are good stewards of the shareholders is one of the basic
principles of our company law. Donaldson and Davis (1991) took the theory
further by arguing that monitoring and incentive arrangements for the
directors are not really necessary :- ¡¥The executive manager, under this
theory, far from being an opportunistic shirker, essentially wants to do a
good job, to be a good steward of corporate assets. Thus, stewardship theory
holds that there is no inherent, general problem of executive motivation and
that performance variations arise from whether the structural situation in
which the executives is located, facilitates effective action by the
executives.¡¦ Stewardship
theory, in contrast to agency theory, suggests that there is no inherent
conflict of interest between directors and shareholders, and the latter
should have faith in directors who possess the professional expertise
required to run the business. In this regard, Turnbull (1997) has argued that
whether stewardship theory holds will depend upon the cultural context: ¡¥The inclination of individuals to act as
selfless stewards may be culturally contingent. The ¡§company man¡¨ in Japan
may place his employer before his family. The voluntary resignation of
executives is not uncommon when a company is disgraced and instances of
suicide are still reported.¡¦ Another study by Donaldson and Davis (1991), on
the effects of CEO duality (where the top executive is also the chair of the
board) on shareholder returns, also supported stewardship theory. Research
based on a sample of US corporations found that shareholder returns, in terms
of returns on equity, were superior when there was CEO duality. This is
clearly contrary to what is suggested by agency theory, which is that
companies will perform better if different persons take up the positions of
CEO and chairman. Stewardship theory implies that self-regulation by
directors is far more important than external regulation of their conduct.
There is no doubt that self-regulation is more effective in the sense that
externally-imposed retrospective punishment for wrongdoing by a director will
usually be of no benefit to shareholders who may have already suffered heavy
losses, whether to their share price, in litigation costs or elsewhere.
Self-regulation serves to prevent actions by directors that are detrimental
to shareholders¡¦ interests. Numerous past incidents have suggested that
self-regulation should be supplemented by laws and regulations in order to
curb potential malpractice by ¡¥bad¡¦ directors. Resource
dependency theory suggests that organisations are not self-sufficient and
that they require resources from outside channels. The managers of
organisations have to find ways to cope with these external constraints (Pfeffer,
1982); in order to reduce dependence on a particular resource channel,
managers should consider diversifying their business. For example, they may
use a strategy of absorption in which the external parties are combined with
the organisation to reduce the potential impact of dependence on these
parties. This is one of the rationales behind merger and takeover activities,
particularly in backward (acquiring suppliers) or forward (acquiring product
distributors) integration. The other option advanced by Pfeffer is a
co-option strategy, involving the invitation of representatives from external
organisations, such as major creditors or suppliers or bankers, to serve on
the board of directors. Resource dependency theory is helpful in
explaining divergence in the composition of boards of directors, as well as
the distribution of powers among them. For example, for those companies which
rely on external borrowing as a key source of finance, representatives of
financial institutions or banks will usually have a greater influence on
decisions of the board. According to Tricker (1996), such close co-operation
at the top can significantly strengthen relationships and alliances between
companies. Stearns and Mizruchi (1993) have found that the presence of financial
institution representatives on a company¡¦s board increases the institution¡¦s
willingness to lend to the company since close monitoring is in place. Resource dependency theory can also help to
explain interlocking directorship. Generally, two or more companies will
engage in such co-operation if they have high interdependence stemming from
exchange of technology, financial or informational resources and related
skills or specialised knowledge. The simple
balance sheet model of a company, as shown in Table B, captures the essence
of both internal and external governance mechanisms. The board of directors,
at the apex of internal control systems, is charged with advising and
monitoring management and has the responsibility to hire, fire and compensate
the senior management team (Jensen, 1993). The management, acting as the
shareholders¡¦ agent, decides in which assets to invest and how to finance
those investments. The need to
raise capital has led to the further introduction of external governance
(Ross, 2005; Gillan, 2006). In listed companies, a separation exists between
capital providers and those who manage the capital. This separation creates
the demand for corporate governance structures. Table B: Corporate Governance and the Balance Sheet Model
According to the principles formulated by the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) to guide its member countries, corporate
governance is a system involving a set of relations between a company¡¦s
management, its board, its shareholders and stakeholders. The relationship
forms a structure framing the company¡¦s mission and objectives, also
providing a framework for achieving results, monitoring performance and
making improvements. Governance can
be divided into internal and external, as elaborated in Table C. Although the
management of a company rests with the board of directors, the activities of
a listed company can be affected or influenced by market players who exert
external governance on the company (Gillan & Starks, 1998). The degree to
which companies adopt and observe good governance practices is becoming a
major factor in business and investment decisions. Table C
: Influence of Stakeholders (Market Players) on Corporate
Governance of a Listed Company In the US or
European markets, where many large corporations are owned and controlled by
families with family members holding key managerial positions, conflicts are mainly
between the directors/controlling shareholders and the minority shareholders
(Ho, 2000). Equally, in Asian countries including Hong Kong, the protection
of minority shareholders¡¦ rights is a key concern (Ho & Wong, 2001). A
serious agency problem arises unless there is a separation of powers between
the large shareholders and management, or unless there are proper corporate
governance mechanisms or legal regulatory frameworks enabling minority
shareholders to effectively check misbehaviour of the controlling owners
(Ang, Cole & Lin, 2000). Corporate management has lacked transparency
because of inadequate mandatory and voluntary disclosure standards. Strong
governance requires greater efforts towards enhancing managerial transparency
by improving and strengthening disclosure requirements (Eccles &
Mavrinac, 1995). Good corporate
governance, complemented by a sound business environment, can strengthen
private investment, corporate performance and economic growth (Hart, 1995).
With better transparency and public awareness of minority investors¡¦ and
stakeholders¡¦ rights, the behaviour of directors in the boardroom will
gradually change. The change in board behaviour will ultimately affect the
corporate decisions made by top management, which should have regard not only
to corporate fairness but also corporate social responsibilities. Until then,
publicly-listed companies rely on self-discipline in the exercise of good
corporate governance. Looking further ahead, the eventual introduction of a
corporate governance ordinance may serve to even out varying standards and
support Hong Kong¡¦s standing as an international financial centre. Is
the Self-Governing Approach Working?
With a view to ascertaining the
effectiveness of self-regulation of corporate governance practices, a survey
was conducted with listed companies and speakers and delegates at the
International Conference on Corporate Governance. The following questions
were, inter alia, asked :- a.
With the existing prescriptive legislation, self-regulation of
corporate governance (CG) is effective. b.
The introduction of a corporate governance ordinance (CGO) will
support Hong Kong¡¦s standing as one of the world¡¦s leading international
financial centres. c.
Corporate transparency (CT) will contribute to market functioning,
efficiency and will increase share prices. d.
Listed companies are willing to voluntarily adopt CG best practices. e.
Existing voluntary corporate disclosures are adequate and effective and
have met the needs of stakeholders and investors. The responses
are shown in Table D. Table D:
Effectiveness of the Self-Governing Approach This
research shows that family-controlled listed companies which have high retained
earnings or which have little need for additional capital are less likely to
adopt additional governance standards without mandatory requirements.
Further, the willingness to adopt additional governance practices will be
affected or influenced by the size of the company, with multi-national
companies more willing to voluntarily adopt additional governance practices,
and other listed companies willing to voluntarily adopt governance mechanisms
if they need to raise or obtain additional capital from the market. Some also
do so on the realisation that a reputation for strong corporate governance
has benefits such as reduced operational costs, for example insurance
premiums, and greater confidence among foreign investors looking to invest in
their companies. Given the divergent views expressed, an approach of pure
self-regulation may not be effective. A combination of strict regulations and
best practice codes and guidelines is likely to achieve better overall
results. The following chart shows the relative levels of preference for mandatory or optional governance mechanisms.
This indicates that self-regulation should not
entirely replace prescriptive legislation. It can, however, play a major role
in encouraging higher standards of corporate governance through the operation
of disclosure to the market. The introduction of a GCO with criminal
sanctions for non-compliance is not seen as imperative at this stage and,
although it would undoubtedly encourage good governance, companies would seek
out legal loopholes to avoid its provisions, and it would generate higher
operating costs eating into shareholder returns. In order to
gauge the level of voluntary compliance and the willingness of listed
companies to implement corporate governance mechanisms without mandatory
regulations, the 2006 annual reports of all blue chip, red chip and H-share
companies, plus 150 randomly selected listed companies, were examined. The
findings were as follows :- (a)
Compliance with Code Provisions As
indicated in Table E, the level of voluntary compliance of 43 out of 45 code
provisions increased in 2006 compared with 2005. After conducting t-test on
these data, one can conclude that the small percentage increase is
statistically significant. The levels of full compliance by blue chip,
H-share and red chip companies are 52.5%, 71.8% and 32.5% respectively, which
are much higher than the percentage of 29.3% for the random sample. The
results confirm that benchmark blue chip and large H-share companies place a
high value on their public image and are therefore willing to adopt the code
provisions without mandatory regulations. However, in
order to maintain Hong Kong¡¦s standing as a leading global financial centre,
it is recommended that mandatory rules are introduced separating the roles of
chairman and CEO, and requiring the chairman of the board and the committee
chairmen to attend the AGM in order to answer to shareholders. Table E: Overall Compliance with Code Provisions in
2005 and 2006 by Group
* The HKEx report did not include code provision C.2.
However, for easy comparison, it is assumed that all 515
companies had adopted this code during 2005. (b)
Compliance with Code Provisions Table F shows the overview of compliance with the most
significant five recommended best practices without mandatory rules for
all blue chip, H-share
and red chip companies plus 150 randomly selected companies in 2006. Table F: Compliance Level for Top 5 Recommended Best Practices in
As Hong Kong
Exchange and Clearing Ltd (HKEx) has not previously conducted research in
this area, the results have important policy implications for ongoing
corporate governance reform in Hong Kong. The following points are demonstrated. ¡P
Listed companies are, in general, willing to voluntarily adopt
corporate governance best practices. ¡P
Most companies are reluctant to adopt recommended best practices if
they have cost implications, such as A.1.9 (insurance cover in respect of
legal action against its directors), A.5.5 (provision of a continuous
professional development programme for all directors) and C.1.4 (publish
quarterly financial results within 45 days). ¡P
The compliance level for the five most significant recommended best
practices is below 50%, which is unacceptable if Hong Kong is to maintain its
place as a leading global financial centre. ¡P Voluntary adoption of recommended best practices numbers B.1.7 (disclose details of any remuneration payable to members of senior management on an individual and named basis) and C.1.4 would contribute to market functioning and efficiency. The
listing rules and/or the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) should be
revised and amended to make compliance with recommended best practices numbers
A.1.9, A.5.5, B.1.7 and C.1.4 compulsory, as most companies are otherwise
unwilling to adopt such practices if they involve sensitive information or
have cost implications. Conclusion
In addition to the above results,
the following findings can be gleaned from the surveys conducted. ¡P
Many listed company directors in Hong Kong do not know enough about
company and commercial law and their legal duties and obligations, and formal
training is needed. ¡P
Pure self-regulation of good governance practices may not be
sufficiently effective in Hong Kong, although it has a major role to play, as
different companies may have different internal standards. A combination of
strict regulations and best practice codes and guidelines would achieve
better results. ¡P
The introduction of a CGO in Hong Kong would enhance corporate
transparency and encourage good governance, consolidating Hong Kong¡¦s
position as an international financial centre with international-grade
corporate governance standards. In the long term, such an ordinance will
provide better protection to minority shareholders and market players.
However, in the short term, the drawbacks of forcing companies into a rigidly
prescriptive regime and forcing them to incur higher operating costs to
ensure compliance provide an argument against immediately taking such
measures. Hong Kong
cannot afford, ethically or economically, to fail to provide a proper legal
regulatory framework for corporate fairness, transparency, accountability and
responsibility for publicly-listed companies. The absence of such regulations
and effective enforcement, or of a dedicated corporate governance ordinance,
creates an environment conducive to further corporate scandals: see Enron,
WorldCom and Xerox in the US; Morgan Granfell, Cable & Wireless and
Guardian IT in Europe; Peregrine, Euro-Asia and more recently, Ocean Grand
Holdings Ltd in Hong Kong. At the moment, most publicly-listed companies are
self-disciplined in the exercise of good corporate governance, but the
introduction of stricter rules or a CGO would serve to deter double standards
and encourage the good governance that Hong Kong both needs and deserves.
Barrister & Solicitor